Keep hope alive! We invite you to stay tuned to DMD-Latest News and Updates from PORTON - Your Trusted CDMO Partner


News 2024-09-13

Keep hope alive! We invite you to stay tuned to DMD

From September 6 to 7 2024, the Porton Wecare Program accompanied the families of four Chongqing DMD patients to Shanghai to participate in the 13th China Rare Disease Summit 2024.

The summit, co-sponsored by the Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) and Xinhua Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, was held from September 6 to 8, 2024.

During the summit, we participated in the “Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Academic Seminar” with the families. Medical experts and representatives from biopharmaceutical companies, who have long focused on the diagnosis and treatment of DMD, were invited to share the latest research results and treatment strategies with families of DMD patients from across the country through keynote speeches, round-table forums, and other interactive sessions. The seminar aimed to provide insights into the future development directions of DMD in China, bringing more benefits to the patients.

Through this summit, we have not only witnessed the rapid advancements in the field of DMD research but also the genuine care from various sectors of society towards DMD patients. All hope will come true and it will no longer be a dream.

In the future, the Porton Wecare Program will continue to focus on the DMD, enabling the public's early access to good medicines!

*Photo Source: Live Photos from the 13th China Rare Disease Summit


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